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Steve Stahl


Phone (507) 215-1771

Steve is committed to loving God and loving people! He is married to Marnie and enjoys touring gardens, building guitars, and making creative videos using his drone! He is kind, compassionate, and leads by example.  Steve treasures preaching the Word of God verse by verse!


Ryan Brown

Community Life Pastor

(Youth, Music, Men's Ministries)

To our great sorrow, on Dec. 15 2023 our dear Ryan stepped into the presence of Jesus from an apparent heart attack.  Ryan is greatly missed yet we have Joy knowing he is where his life goal was taking be with his Lord.  We currently have many volunteers stepping up to help.


Marnie Stahl

Office Secretary

Phone: (507) 825-5299

Marnie joined our team in 2020! She is married to Steve (as seen above). She is passionate about ministering to the hearts of people. She enjoys gardening, reading, and tea!  

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