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Core Values

Vision Statement:

"Building Lives on Christ"


Core Values: 

These core values are the framework for how we will "Build Lives on Christ".


1. Headship of Christ (Col. 1:18)

We are a church governed by the congregation but ultimately we answer to the leadership of Jesus Christ.

January 1st 2012:  Vision Statement and Core Values (Headship of Christ)


2.  Word of God (2 Tim 3:16,17)

We believe that the Bible is God's Word and is the guide by which we pattern our church and lives after Jesus Christ.

January 8th 2012:  Vision Statement and Core Values (Word of God)


3. Servant Hood (Gal. 5:13)

We follow the example of Christ by serving those within our church and surrounding communities.

January 15th 2012:  Vision Statement and Core Values (Servanthood)


4. Active Evangelism (1 Pet. 3:15)

We believe Jesus has commanded us to actively share our faith with those in need of His love.

January 29th 2012: Vision Statement and Core Values (Active Evangelism by Pastor Steve)


5. Spirit Led Worship (John 4:23)

We look to the Holy Spirit's direction in our corporate and individual worship.


6. Relevant Ministry(1 Cor. 9:22b)

We will seek God's direction in assessing the needs of our communities and develop ministries that will meet those needs.

February 5th 2012: Vision Statement and Core Values (Relevant Ministry)


7. Authentic Relationships (John 13:34,35)

We seek relationships that are genuinely based upon the love of Christ.

February 12th 2012: Vision Statement and Core Values (Authentic Relationships)


8. Spiritual Maturity (Eph. 4:11-13)

We encourage people to reach their full potential in Christ through prayer, bible study and involvement in ministry.

February 19th 2012: Vision Statement and Core Values (Spiritual Maturity)

Following the Savior Necessitates Growth Part 7

Following the Savior necessitates relationship and growth 5



We are affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America: EFCA website

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